
just me

Monday, May 16, 2011


So I love to read it a new passion of mine. One of the best books I have read is a vampire book called La Vida Vampire by Nancy Haddock. There are 3 in the series and the 3rd one just came out and it was good. She is from St. Augustine FL and I live in Tampa so its a local person to me. When I emailed her to just say awesome book she emailed me back and that was just awesome. I have kept in touch with her and read all her books and recommend them to everyone I meet. Just so everyone knows they are about the mythical creatures we all wish lived among us. I know if you like the Highlander series you will like these books as well. I encourage everyone to check them out and if you like them let her know she will be happy to hear from people. 

another Movie review

So I just watched a great movie, The Iillusionist. This is an animation about life. The changes not only in ourselfs and the world but what we do to adapt and eather grow or fad because of it. There are so many things today that we are consumed with it is great to sit back and just be amazed by the simple things. It is about a girl and a man (no not in a romantic relationship) its how they meet and what happens to them in life. The world is an always changing place and it is sad on the many things we have lost because of our inability to hold on to the simple things.
I would recommend this movie to anyone who remembers magians and all that came along with the magic of imagination. If you can truly understand the simplicity in life then watch The Iillusionist.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Movie review

So I watched Black Swan this weekend and I have to day it was not that good. I have been watching movies a long time and know whats good (well I like to think so). I can usually tell you the movies to watch by what kind you like. Well for me Black Swan just did not do it for me. Yes the acting was good and that was all. I am not sure what they were trying to achieve there was no creativity in it. All the things you thought would happen did, very easy to predict. There could of been more of the transformation then what they put out there. I don't want to spoil it for anyone so I am not going to go into the details. If you are looking for a suspenseful movie that really makes you think then go for American Psycho. This is just my thought and if you still want to see it then go ahead. One thing I have learned is that I don't agree with a lot of critics and I always have to decide for myself. One thing I do is if they don't like it well it means I will. To me this movie was given too much credit I have seen better.