
just me

Monday, May 16, 2011


So I love to read it a new passion of mine. One of the best books I have read is a vampire book called La Vida Vampire by Nancy Haddock. There are 3 in the series and the 3rd one just came out and it was good. She is from St. Augustine FL and I live in Tampa so its a local person to me. When I emailed her to just say awesome book she emailed me back and that was just awesome. I have kept in touch with her and read all her books and recommend them to everyone I meet. Just so everyone knows they are about the mythical creatures we all wish lived among us. I know if you like the Highlander series you will like these books as well. I encourage everyone to check them out and if you like them let her know she will be happy to hear from people. 

another Movie review

So I just watched a great movie, The Iillusionist. This is an animation about life. The changes not only in ourselfs and the world but what we do to adapt and eather grow or fad because of it. There are so many things today that we are consumed with it is great to sit back and just be amazed by the simple things. It is about a girl and a man (no not in a romantic relationship) its how they meet and what happens to them in life. The world is an always changing place and it is sad on the many things we have lost because of our inability to hold on to the simple things.
I would recommend this movie to anyone who remembers magians and all that came along with the magic of imagination. If you can truly understand the simplicity in life then watch The Iillusionist.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Movie review

So I watched Black Swan this weekend and I have to day it was not that good. I have been watching movies a long time and know whats good (well I like to think so). I can usually tell you the movies to watch by what kind you like. Well for me Black Swan just did not do it for me. Yes the acting was good and that was all. I am not sure what they were trying to achieve there was no creativity in it. All the things you thought would happen did, very easy to predict. There could of been more of the transformation then what they put out there. I don't want to spoil it for anyone so I am not going to go into the details. If you are looking for a suspenseful movie that really makes you think then go for American Psycho. This is just my thought and if you still want to see it then go ahead. One thing I have learned is that I don't agree with a lot of critics and I always have to decide for myself. One thing I do is if they don't like it well it means I will. To me this movie was given too much credit I have seen better.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

saving money

So being out of a job I have had to save money as much as possible. I have always been a frugal shopper but know I have had to really expand it. I will give it up to my boyfriend as he is really good about the energy cost and getting power strips and unplugging everything. I guess that is the first thing I can suggest is to get a power strip for your TV,stereo,DVD/blue ray player. If you have all of these things together then get a power strip and turn it on only when in use. Also unplug stuff like the coffee maker when not in use and other electrical stuff you don't use all the time. That right there will save some money. Another thing I do is cut coupons. I know it is a pain in the but but at the same time it can save you money and lots of it. Look at the store flyers for sales, make a list of what you want (plan ahead). Also just because you want to save money you should not eat unhealthy fruit and vegetables are important and they really are not that expensive. Buy the stuff that is in season why I just bought some green beans, squash and zucchini for under $1.00. Don't get all the stuff in a bag sometimes if you buy it individual it can be cheaper. Coupons are great because you can use them on sale stuff and can also double it up for example if you have a coupon that says buy 2 and save a $1.00 and have another coupon that is $1.00off and the item is on sale for 3for$5.00 then you bought 3 items for $3.00. That is a major savings but also remember that if it is something that you don't use a lot or cant be frozen to last longer then don't bother it will go bad before you use it and that is a waste of money. Another thing is the big stores like sams and bjs. They have great deals and bjs excepts coupons as well. A good way to do it is get someone to go half on the membership that way you don't have to pay the full amount by yourself. Don't always think that just because its there they have a better price that is not always the case. If there is something on sale stock up (if you can), especially if you have a coupon; this will save you money in the long run (big stores are great for this). Also when meat is on sale stock up or go half with someone else. If you are going to start freezing food you might want to invest in a mini freezer. Remember just because you have a coupon or its at a big store does not mean its the best deal sometimes the generics are way cheaper and the taste is almost the same. This takes time and effort but once you get into it its really easy. There are lots of websites and the Sunday paper is a great way to start out. 

My first Lasagna

Ok so I am not really good at this cooking thing and I had a recipe for lasagna so I thought why not don't have anything else better to do. So I went to the store to get all the ingredients (that alone was a chore). Got home and started the cooking. It was not to hard to do, I did get the already boiled noodles so it would be easier. Well it was time for dinner and the test my boyfriend was a little scared as was I and we tryed it and as can say it came out great. I was very happy with it. There was nothing wrong with it at all. I will add somethings to it next time, I played it safe. One thing I have learned these few months is don't be scared to make something new. As mainly everything I have tryed to make has come out edible. I don't know why lasagna was scary to me maybe because everyone always said how much work it was or that my mom makes an awesome one and I could never do it like her. I will say it was fun and I think I might be able to make one better then my moms one day.